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Supermoon and Micromoon

Supermoon and Micromoon

Moon Information

  • Supermoon Date and Time: 2023-02-05 18:28:31
  • Supermoon Distance from Earth: 405829.51 km
  • Micromoon Date and Time: 2023-08-31 01:35:33
  • Micromoon Distance from Earth: 357340.87 km

Apogee and Perigee

Description of the image

Perigee: This is the point in the Moon's orbit when it is closest to Earth. Supermoons can appear about 14% larger and 30% brighter than when the Moon is at its farthest point.

Apogee: This is the point in the Moon's orbit when it is farthest from Earth. The Moon appears smaller and dimmer in the sky when it is at apogee.

Moon Beauty

The Supermoon, with its larger and brighter appearance, graces the night sky in a stunning display of celestial beauty. It captivates observers with its enchanting glow, creating a magical ambiance that is truly awe-inspiring.

On the other hand, the Micromoon, although smaller and subtler, offers a unique and charming sight. Its delicate presence adds a touch of elegance to the night, inviting contemplation and admiration for the wonders of the universe.