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Scientific Calendar - July 2024

Astronomical Event Calendar - July 2024

Date Event
2024/07/01 (Mon.) -
2024/07/02 (Tue.) Uranus in conjunction with Moon;Mars in conjunction with Moon
2024/07/03 (Wed.) Jupiter in conjunction with Moon
2024/07/04 (Thu.) -
2024/07/05 (Fri.) Earth at aphelion
2024/07/06 (Sat.) Ceres at opposition;Venus in conjunction with Moon;New Moon
2024/07/07 (Sun.) -
2024/07/08 (Mon.) Mercury in conjunction with Moon
2024/07/09 (Tue.) July Pegasids Meteor Shower Peak
2024/07/10 (Wed.) -
2024/07/11 (Thu.) -
2024/07/12 (Fri.) Moon at apogee
2024/07/13 (Sat.) -
2024/07/14 (Sun.) First Quarter
2024/07/15 (Mon.) Uranus in conjunction with Mars
2024/07/16 (Tue.) -
2024/07/17 (Wed.) -
2024/07/18 (Thu.) -
2024/07/19 (Fri.) -
2024/07/20 (Sat.) -
2024/07/21 (Sun.) Full Moon
2024/07/22 (Mon.) Mercury at greatest eastern elongation
2024/07/23 (Tue.) Pluto at opposition
2024/07/24 (Wed.) Moon at perigee
2024/07/25 (Thu.) Neptune in conjunction with Moon;Saturn in conjunction with Moon
2024/07/26 (Fri.) -
2024/07/27 (Sat.) -
2024/07/28 (Sun.) Last Quarter;July γ-Draconids Meteor Shower Peak;Piscis Austrinids Meteor Shower Peak
2024/07/29 (Mon.) -
2024/07/30 (Tue.) South.δ-Aquariids Meteor Shower Peak;α-Capricornids Meteor Shower Peak;Mars in conjunction with Moon;Uranus in conjunction with Moon
2024/07/31 (Wed.) Jupiter in conjunction with Moon